The Craftmade ceiling fan manuals usually come with the package when you purchase a ceiling fan from the company. Check the box in which the fan came in if the instruction manual is not there, you can find the list of PDF manuals below to find your Craftmade manual. Craftmade’s official website lists these units but when they take down the ceiling fan from their website, they also take down the manual as well.
Do not worry we have got it covered. We try to find as many manuals as we can online to serve our visitors.
The main website of Craftmade also contains PDF downloads for their units. The copy available in the downloads is similar to the one that came in the box.
The manuals contain information and instructions regarding your fan model.
Note: If your manual is not available in the list, kindly leave the model number or model name of your craftmade ceiling fan, we will find it and upload it asap.
The main features of instruction manual are:
- Safety Information/Tips: By following these guidelines while installing, repairing or unpacking, you will be safe.
- Unpacking Procedure
- Inventory of Parts
- Installation Preparation
- Assembly of Fan whether it is flush mount or standard
- Wiring
- Craftmade Ceiling Fan Troubleshooting
- Warranty Information
- Replacement Parts
- Operation Instructions
- Care/Maintenance
Craftmade Ceiling Fan Manuals
Craftmade 44-inch Tempo Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# TMPH44BNK5, TMPH44CH5, TMPH44OB5, TMPH44W5
Craftmade 52-inch Tempo Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# TMP52BNK5, TMP52CH5, TMP52OB5, TMP52W5
Craftmade Tempo Hugger 52-Inch Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# TMPH52BNK5, TMPH52CH5, TMPH52OB5, TMPH52W5
Craftmade 52-inch Targas Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# TG52
Craftmade Velocity Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# VE58
Craftmade Knightsbridge 52-inch Outdoor Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# E-KM52ABZ5LKRCI
Craftmade Braxton 52-inch Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# GM56ABZ5LK, GM56BNK5LK, GM56ESP5LK
Craftmade Bordeaux Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# BRD52
Craftmade limerick 60-inch ceiling fan Manual: Model# LIM60
Craftmade ICS wall control Manual: Model: ICS Conversion Kit
Craftmade Illusion Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# ILU56
Craftmade Winton Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# WIN56
Craftmade Warplanes Tiger Shark Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# WB348
Craftmade Anillo 36-Inch Ceiling Fan Manual: Model# ANI36
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