Harbor Breeze Manuals

Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan Manuals

harbor breeze ceiling fan manuals

Finding a Harbor Breeze ceiling fan manual is an irritating task if you have lost the manual or it is not available in the same box when you purchased the fan from the company. After doing a lot of searching, when people fail to find it they search it online.

People search the Harbor Breeze manual to know the make and model of the fan. If they need any replacement parts for their fan. Do not worry we are going to add Harbor Breeze Manuals on this website and will update the list asap.

Harbor Breeze is the brand of Lowe’s, if the manual is not available on our website, there are two steps you can follow to get the manual.

Firstly, leave the model number or model name of Harbor Breeze in the comment section, we shall do the rest. We will find the manual for you and add it on this site. Harbor Breeze manuals are available in PDF format.

Secondly, you can contact the customer support of Lowe’s to check whether they give the replacement for your Harbor Breeze fan manual or not.

Bookmark this page after leaving the comment of your Harbor Breeze ceiling fan, and be sure to check it back often.

One of the main purpose of getting a manual is to know the installation instructions of the ceiling fan.  The installation process is a little different from brand to brand and fan to fan but the general instructions are the same.

This Harbor Breeze ceiling fan manuals list contains a number of popular Harbor breeze ceiling fan models. However, the list is not finalized yet because we continually add more manuals.

Find your Harbor Breeze model and click on the link and it will take you to PDF manual of Harbor Breeze.

If you are having trouble with your ceiling fan, we recommend our step-by-step troubleshooting guide to fix the problem.

If you are still facing problems you should consider this guide on how to contact Harbor breeze customer service and it has all the possible ways to contact them.

Harbor Breeze is replete with different finishes, sizes and models.

Note: We are not responsible for any information that is available in each manual.

We merely try to find the manuals from different sources and make them available for you in PDF format. We spend hours finding the Harbor Breeze ceiling fan manuals list available in this guide.

Here is a List of Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan Manuals:

Harbor Breeze Mazon 44-in Indoor Ceiling Fan: This ceiling fan is the best seller of the year and is useful for smaller rooms. This unit is available in various finishes including brushed nickel, matte black, white and oil-rubbed bronze. It contains a LED light kit too.

Download Harbor Breeze Mazon Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Centreville Ceiling Fan: Centreville ceiling fan is available in different finishes and sizes. It is available in 44-inch span for smaller rooms and 52-inch span for those larger rooms with finishes that can complement most décor styles.

Download Harbor Breeze Centreville Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Merrimack Ceiling Fan:

Merrimack indoor/outdoor ceiling fan is ideal for both room or patio spaces. It contains LED lighting fixture and remote control. The Merrimack 52-inch fan means better airflow in larger spaces. You can select from antique bronze or galvanized finish.

Download Harbor Breeze Merrimack Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Hydra Ceiling Fan: Hydra ceiling fan is ideal for large rooms and generates a lot of air due to its 70 inch size and 8 blades. This indoor fan is ideal for kitchens, living rooms, bedrooms and dining rooms. Reversible flow is offered with convenient remote control and an integrated light kit.

Download Harbor Breeze Hydra 70 Inch Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Parlake Ceiling Fan: Parlake indoor fan comes with an elegant crystal-like lighting fixture that attracts the eyes of people with very efficient 52-inch size blades that produce better airflow for larger rooms. Available in brushed nickel finish only with 5 blades and 93 % of the buying customers are rated positive.

Download Harbor Breeze Parlake Indoor ceiling fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Saratoga Ceiling Fan: The Saratoga fan by Harbor Breeze is available in different models that encompass indoor and outdoor with 60 inches diameter and in smaller models 48-inch. So this unit can be installed in small or large rooms layouts. It is available in a number of finishes such as white, oil rubbed bronze and milky white.

Download Harbor Breeze Saratoga Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Armitage Ceiling Fan: This 52-inch ceiling fan by Harbor Breeze will attract you and you will be in love with 42-inch diameter size. It is a flush mount type with multiple finishes including brushed nickel, bronze, white and matte black. The most popular Armitage is 52-inch brushed nickel and we highly recommend this unit. It is a quiet model with a good price tag.

Download Harbor Breeze Armitage Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Kingsbury Ceiling Fan: This indoor unit is only present in one finish that is, Roman Bronze. It is devoid of a light kit, but it is adaptable. The diameter of the fan is 52-inch and the blades are designed in walnut finish. A pull chain feature is also offered for managing the speed levels of the fan. But the unit is compatible with universal ceiling fan remotes or hunter remote controls.

Download Harbor Breeze Kingsbury Manual

Harbor Breeze Waveport Ceiling Fan: This is a unique ceiling fan designed with leaves like blades and it is famous for its good moving air. Waveport fan is available in two sizes including 44-inch and 52-inch and you can choose out of them. The frosted glass light kit is ideal for lighting in your place. Installation is also easy and the finishes can complement most of the home decors.

Harbor Breeze Waveport Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Fairwind Ceiling Fan: It is an indoor / outdoor ceiling fan and it is suitable for you when you are looking for a unit that moves a lot of air. The modern looks of the unit are available in a few finishes with three blades and add beauty to most home décor styles. This 60-inch unit is damp rated and can be used outdoors including a covered patio and porch area. LED lighting makes the ceiling fan an important choice for your room. The problem you can encounter is the problem with the installation instructions. If you are at home in DIY jobs then it would not discourage you.

Download Harbor Breeze Fairwind 60-inch Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Lansing Ceiling Fan: Lansing is available in three finishes to select from including Brushed Nickel, Aged Bronze and Bronze. The small places can be dealt with the 42-inch unit. It is a combination of five reversible blades and a three-arm light kit to make it interesting for the users. Most of the homeowners give preference to this unit due to its easy installation and price tag. Lancing fan has the ability to generate a lot of air. The main problem can occur with the light kit of this unit, some of the units have a tendency to short the light kits. Consequently, it needs replacement.

Download Harbor Breeze Lansing Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Platinum Portes Ceiling Fan: There are many Harbor breeze ceiling fans but this unit contains poor customer satisfaction in terms of ratings. It seems to be several defects in the unit model # 8293, the issues ranging from the remote to blade mounts cracking. Apart from unsatisfied customers, it also has satisfied customers too. The 52-inch size of platinum generates good air and available in two finishes including Aged Bronze and Matte White.

Download Harbor Breeze Portes Fan Manual

Santa Ana Ceiling Fan: It is another discontinued model from Lowe’s that contains two blades. This beautiful unit comes in a 48-inch blade span along with a light kit included and a handy remote.

Harbor Breeze Santa Ana Ceiling Fan Manual

Oxford ceiling fan: It is from the Oxford collection of the brand which has 5 reversible toffee/driftwood blades to add aesthetics to your space.

Harbor Breeze Oxford Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Twin Breeze Ii 74-in Oil-rubbed Bronze Outdoor Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Merrimack ii Matte Bronze Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Beach Creek 52-in Brushed Nickel LED Indoor Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Beach Creek 44-in Brushed Nickel Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Beach Creek 44-inch Matte Black Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Calera 52-in Aged Bronze Indoor/Outdoor Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Bellhaven Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Echolake Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Barnstaple Bay Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan Remote manual

Harbor Breeze Sail Stream Manual

Harbor Breeze Aero Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Dubois Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Edenton Ceiling Fan Manual

Model #40087, 40088, 40090 Harbor Breeze Armory Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Austin Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Battler Ceiling Fan Manual

Harbor Breeze Avian Ceiling Fan Manual

Where is the Model Number on a Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan?

The model number of a Harbor Breeze ceiling fan is available on the purchase receipt, the box, on the top of the fan by the motor or within the instruction manual of the unit. This model number is necessary for the customers who want to locate/purchase the ceiling fan parts of that Harbor Breeze unit.

After locating the model number of Harbor Breeze fan, you can contact the Harbor Breeze Customer Service and get the desired Harbor Breeze Replacement parts.

The above mentioned posts enable you to get the repairing, fixing and replacement done for your unit or you can also get an extra helping hand from the support.

It is imperative to get the item number. Harbor Breeze item number is usually a 6 digit number and you can use it if you do not have the model number. Obtaining both numbers is very helpful and it will be easier for the support to locate the information you need for your ceiling fan although one can get the job done.

How to Reset a Harbor Breeze Fan?

To reset your Harbor Breeze fan:

You need to turn off the power on the ceiling fan remote then turn it on again and push the ‘reset’ button or ‘learn’ button. You will have to make sure that you hold the reset button until the ceiling fan light turns on and the ceiling fan runs at medium speed.

If the Harbor Breeze remote contains a ‘learn’ button, and many of the newer ceiling fans come with this feature, it is an easy task. pressing the ‘learn’ button is required.

If your ceiling fan is older then you need to change the dip switches. The dip switch settings on the remote control should be compatible with dip switch settings on the fan.

Why Is My Harbor Breeze Fan Not Working?

Your Harbor breeze ceiling fan is not working due to turned-off wall switch. So turn the wall switch on. If the power is turned off or the fuse has blown at the breaker then check and replace it with new fuse at the circuit box. To check the faulty wire connections, turn off the power and check the connections in the outlet box.

Here are some steps below that you can follow to get the Harbor Breeze fan working again:

  • Ensure the season slide switch available on the remote to ensure it is fully engaged. If it is not engaged fully, push the slide switch to fully right or left on the remote.
  • Ensure that the wall switch is turn on.
  • Ensure that your power socket is working and on by plugging an electrical device into the power socket.
  • Ensure that the fuse or circuit breaker is not blown, if it is, replace it.
  • Ensure that there are no faulty wire connections by checking the connections in the outlet box.

How Do You Program a Harbor Breeze Ceiling Fan?

To program Harbor Breeze ceiling fan:

You need to push the ‘reset’ or ‘learn’ button on the remote control. If your ceiling fan uses dip switch settings, sync the dip switch settings of the fan and remote control.

To know about programming a remote control, check this post on how to program remote control.

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